All about the Phenomenal "Xi Ladies" of ladies of Zeta Xi Theta Sorority.

Our Mission: provide a strong sisterhood foundation, building a support system, encouraging leadership, self love, communication and accountability. All while uplifting the women around us!
Our Vision: to develop pillars upon our foundation that mirror but never limited to our tokens and virtues. To serve throughout our communities. To be a positive example to all and empower all women while offering this foundation for the young women after us.
Our Priorities: While building a strong foundation, we strive to pour into and serve the community around us. We aim to collaborate and build a strong relationship with like minded businesses and organizations that can help contribute to our mission and vision. We stand behind getting an education and furthering education. We promote healthy eating and fitness and not for the trend or “phrase” but to eliminate health issues that can be prevented by doing so. We foster gaining the knowledge of credit health while learning about creating permanent wealth for our families.
Ready to join a sisterhood?
Want more information about ZXT?
Let us know!
Our No Hazing Policy:
Zeta Xi Theta will never partake, nor tolerate hazing of any kind. Any members who fail to comply with anti-hazing policy will be fined and expelled from the ZXT organization. It is strictly prohibited within this organization to inflict any bodily harm, body shaming, embarrassment (public or private), ridicule, destruction or theft of one's property, belittling of beliefs/religion, life choices, or sexual preferences and all of the above.